Multi-omic studies on missense PLG variants in families with otitis media.

TitleMulti-omic studies on missense PLG variants in families with otitis media.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsBootpetch, TC, Hafrén, L, Elling, CL, Baschal, EE, Manichaikul, AW, Pine, HS, Szeremeta, W, Scholes, MA, Cass, SP, Larson, ED, Chan, KH, Ishaq, R, Prager, JD, Shaikh, RS, Gubbels, SP, Yousaf, A, Wine, TM, Bamshad, MJ, Yoon, PJ, Jenkins, HA, Nickerson, DA, Streubel, S-O, Friedman, NR, Frank, DN, Einarsdottir, E, Kere, J, Riazuddin, S, Daly, KA, Leal, SM, Ryan, AF, Mattila, PS, Ahmed, ZM, Sale, MM, Chonmaitree, T, Santos-Cortez, RLyn P
Corporate AuthorsUniversity of Washington Center for Mendelian Genomics (UW-CMG)
JournalSci Rep
Date Published2020 09 14
KeywordsAnimals, Ear, Middle, Female, Genomics, Humans, Male, Mice, Microbiota, Mutation, Missense, Otitis Media, Pedigree, Plasminogen, Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide, Saliva

Otitis media (OM), a very common disease in young children, can result in hearing loss. In order to potentially replicate previously reported associations between OM and PLG, exome and Sanger sequencing, RNA-sequencing of saliva and middle ear samples, 16S rRNA sequencing, molecular modeling, and statistical analyses including transmission disequilibrium tests (TDT) were performed in a multi-ethnic cohort of 718 families and simplex cases with OM. We identified four rare PLG variants c.112A > G (p.Lys38Glu), c.782G > A (p.Arg261His), c.1481C > T (p.Ala494Val) and c.2045 T > A (p.Ile682Asn), and one common variant c.1414G > A (p.Asp472Asn). However TDT analyses for these PLG variants did not demonstrate association with OM in 314 families. Additionally PLG expression is very low or absent in normal or diseased middle ear in mouse and human, and salivary expression and microbial α-diversity were non-significant in c.1414G > A (p.Asp472Asn) carriers. Based on molecular modeling, the novel rare variants particularly c.782G > A (p.Arg261His) and c.2045 T > A (p.Ile682Asn) were predicted to affect protein structure. Exploration of other potential disease mechanisms will help elucidate how PLG contributes to OM susceptibility in humans. Our results underline the importance of following up findings from genome-wide association through replication studies, preferably using multi-omic datasets.

Alternate JournalSci Rep
PubMed ID32929111
PubMed Central IDPMC7490366
Grant ListR01 DC015004 / DC / NIDCD NIH HHS / United States
UM1 HG006493 / HG / NHGRI NIH HHS / United States
U24 HG008956 / NH / NIH HHS / United States