Title | Expanding the phenotype, genotype and biochemical knowledge of ALG3-CDG. |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2021 |
Authors | Alsharhan, H, Ng, BG, Daniel, EJames Paul, Friedman, J, Pivnick, EK, Al-Hashem, A, Faqeih, EAli, Liu, P, Engelhardt, NM, Keller, KN, Chen, J, Mazzeo, PA, Rosenfeld, JA, Bamshad, MJ, Nickerson, DA, Raymond, KM, Freeze, HH, He, M, Edmondson, AC, Lam, C |
Corporate Authors | University of Washington Center for Mendelian Genomics (UW-CMG) |
Journal | J Inherit Metab Dis |
Date Published | 2021 Feb 13 |
ISSN | 1573-2665 |
Abstract | Congenital disorders of glycosylation (CDGs) are a continuously expanding group of monogenic disorders of glycoprotein and glycolipid biosynthesis that cause multisystem diseases. Individuals with ALG3-CDG frequently exhibit severe neurological involvement (epilepsy, microcephaly, and hypotonia), ocular anomalies, dysmorphic features, skeletal anomalies, and feeding difficulties. We present 10 unreported individuals diagnosed with ALG3-CDG based on molecular and biochemical testing with 11 novel variants in ALG3, bringing the total to 40 reported individuals. In addition to the typical multisystem disease seen in ALG3-CDG, we expand the symptomatology of ALG3-CDG to now include endocrine abnormalities, neural tube defects, mild aortic root dilatation, immunodeficiency, and renal anomalies. N-glycan analyses of these individuals showed combined deficiencies of hybrid glycans and glycan extension beyond Man GlcNAc consistent with their truncated lipid-linked precursor oligosaccharides. This spectrum of N-glycan changes is unique to ALG3-CDG. These expanded features of ALG3-CDG facilitate diagnosis and suggest that optimal management should include baseline endocrine, renal, cardiac, and immunological evaluation at the time of diagnosis and with ongoing monitoring. |
DOI | 10.1002/jimd.12367 |
Alternate Journal | J Inherit Metab Dis |
PubMed ID | 33583022 |
Grant List | U54 NS115198 / NS / NINDS NIH HHS / United States U24 HG008956 / HG / NHGRI NIH HHS / United States U54 NS115198-01 / / Rocket Fund / T32 GM008638 / GM / NIGMS NIH HHS / United States S10OD021553 / NH / NIH HHS / United States UM1 HG006493 / HG / NHGRI NIH HHS / United States / / University of Washington Center for Mendelian Genomics / R01DK99551 / / Rocket Fund / |