Dominant de novo DSP mutations cause erythrokeratodermia-cardiomyopathy syndrome.

TitleDominant de novo DSP mutations cause erythrokeratodermia-cardiomyopathy syndrome.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsBoyden, LM, Kam, CY, Hernández-Martín, A, Zhou, J, Craiglow, BG, Sidbury, R, Mathes, EF, Maguiness, SM, Crumrine, DA, Williams, ML, Hu, R, Lifton, RP, Elias, PM, Green, KJ, Choate, KA
JournalHum Mol Genet
Date Published2016 Jan 15
KeywordsAmino Acid Sequence, Cardiomyopathies, Child, Child, Preschool, Connexin 43, Desmoplakins, Desmosomes, Female, Humans, Infant, Male, Molecular Sequence Data, Mutation, Missense, Myocardium, Protein Transport, Sequence Alignment, Skin, Skin Diseases, Genetic, Syndrome

Disorders of keratinization (DOK) show marked genotypic and phenotypic heterogeneity. In most cases, disease is primarily cutaneous, and further clinical evaluation is therefore rarely pursued. We have identified subjects with a novel DOK featuring erythrokeratodermia and initially-asymptomatic, progressive, potentially fatal cardiomyopathy, a finding not previously associated with erythrokeratodermia. We show that de novo missense mutations clustered tightly within a single spectrin repeat of DSP cause this novel cardio-cutaneous disorder, which we term erythrokeratodermia-cardiomyopathy (EKC) syndrome. We demonstrate that DSP mutations in our EKC syndrome subjects affect localization of desmosomal proteins and connexin 43 in the skin, and result in desmosome aggregation, widening of intercellular spaces, and lipid secretory defects. DSP encodes desmoplakin, a primary component of desmosomes, intercellular adhesion junctions most abundant in the epidermis and heart. Though mutations in DSP are known to cause other disorders, our cohort features the unique clinical finding of severe whole-body erythrokeratodermia, with distinct effects on localization of desmosomal proteins and connexin 43. These findings add a severe, previously undescribed syndrome featuring erythrokeratodermia and cardiomyopathy to the spectrum of disease caused by mutation in DSP, and identify a specific region of the protein critical to the pathobiology of EKC syndrome and to DSP function in the heart and skin.

Alternate JournalHum. Mol. Genet.
PubMed ID26604139
PubMed Central IDPMC4706118
Grant ListR01 AR068392 / AR / NIAMS NIH HHS / United States
UL1 TR001863 / TR / NCATS NIH HHS / United States
U54 HG006504 / HG / NHGRI NIH HHS / United States
UL1 TR000142 / TR / NCATS NIH HHS / United States