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Deficiencies in vesicular transport mediated by TRAPPC4 are associated with severe syndromic intellectual disability. Brain 143, 112-130 (2020).
Gomez-López-Hernández syndrome: A case report with clinical and molecular evaluation and literature review. Am J Med Genet A 182, 1761-1766 (2020).
MN1 C-terminal truncation syndrome is a novel neurodevelopmental and craniofacial disorder with partial rhombencephalosynapsis. Brain 143, 55-68 (2020).
Successful treatment of intractable epilepsy with ketogenic diet therapy in twins with ALG3-CDG. Brain Dev 42, 539-545 (2020).
WNT Signaling Perturbations Underlie the Genetic Heterogeneity of Robinow Syndrome. Am J Hum Genet 102, 27-43 (2018).
Germline mutations in ABL1 cause an autosomal dominant syndrome characterized by congenital heart defects and skeletal malformations. Nat Genet 49, 613-617 (2017).
A novel mutation in GMPPA in siblings with apparent intellectual disability, epilepsy, dysmorphism, and autonomic dysfunction. Am J Med Genet A 173, 2246-2250 (2017).
DVL3 Alleles Resulting in a -1 Frameshift of the Last Exon Mediate Autosomal-Dominant Robinow Syndrome. Am J Hum Genet 98, 553-561 (2016).
Dominant De Novo Mutations in GJA1 Cause Erythrokeratodermia Variabilis et Progressiva, without Features of Oculodentodigital Dysplasia. J Invest Dermatol 135, 1540-1547 (2015).
DVL1 frameshift mutations clustering in the penultimate exon cause autosomal-dominant Robinow syndrome. Am J Hum Genet 96, 612-22 (2015).
Exome sequencing identifies a recurrent de novo ZSWIM6 mutation associated with acromelic frontonasal dysostosis. Am J Hum Genet 95, 235-40 (2014).