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Filters: Keyword is Genomic Structural Variation [Clear All Filters]
Association of structural variation with cardiometabolic traits in Finns. Am J Hum Genet 108, 583-596 (2021).
Discovery and population genomics of structural variation in a songbird genus. Nat Commun 11, 3403 (2020).
Major Impacts of Widespread Structural Variation on Gene Expression and Crop Improvement in Tomato. Cell 182, 145-161.e23 (2020).
Assessing structural variation in a personal genome-towards a human reference diploid genome. BMC Genomics 16, 286 (2015).
Comparative Genomic Analyses of the Human NPHP1 Locus Reveal Complex Genomic Architecture and Its Regional Evolution in Primates. PLoS Genet 11, e1005686 (2015).
Structural variation mutagenesis of the human genome: Impact on disease and evolution. Environ Mol Mutagen 56, 419-36 (2015).