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Filters: Author is Campbell, Ian M and Keyword is Genome, Human [Clear All Filters]
Predicting human genes susceptible to genomic instability associated with /-mediated rearrangements. Genome Res 28, 1228-1242 (2018).
Multiallelic Positions in the Human Genome: Challenges for Genetic Analyses. Hum Mutat 37, 231-234 (2016).
Alu-mediated diverse and complex pathogenic copy-number variants within human chromosome 17 at p13.3. Hum Mol Genet 24, 4061-77 (2015).
Comparative Genomic Analyses of the Human NPHP1 Locus Reveal Complex Genomic Architecture and Its Regional Evolution in Primates. PLoS Genet 11, e1005686 (2015).
Somatic mosaicism: implications for disease and transmission genetics. Trends Genet 31, 382-92 (2015).